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How Full is Your Bucket?

On February 22 KindCraft members assembled for an event where we learned all about the impact we have on others, how we can fill other’s buckets, and in return how our own bucket is filled. We shared the book, “How Full is Your Bucket?” and provided 2 activities to help the kids understand what they were learning. The first station involved filling a bucket with encouraging notes for someone special in their life. We had lots of buckets made for teachers, coaches, parents, grandparents, etc… The second station involved writing an encouraging letter to your child, as they wrote one to their parents. We had some amazing teens from the area step up and volunteer to help at the event this month as well. They helped the younger kids write letters to their parents and did such a great job!

Tami Chen was our event sponsor and provided each kid a “Bucket Filler” wristband which were a HUGE hit! Thank you so much Tami for your generosity and giving heart! We also had some great support from Boy Scout Pack 3316. They hosted a lemonade stand with delicious drinks & yummy baked goods and all proceeds were donated to KindCraft. Thanks so much Pack 3316!

It was so great to see all the families at the event and we are so excited about the difference they will make for others by actively looking for ways to fill someone else’s bucket! All in all it was a big success!

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