We really wanted to encourage our kids to show kindness on a regular basis, in addition to our service events. We also wanted to provide something for families that may not be able to participate in the events for whatever reason that may be.
Kindness cards are used to do random acts of kindness for others. For example, you could pay for the customer behind you in a Starbucks line and have the cashier give them the card. You could bake cookies for a local fire station, attach the card and deliver them! Tape a quarter to the card and tape it to a gumball machine at the grocery store. Kids are so creative and I bet they will enjoy choosing how best to use the cards. Check out our list of 50 Random Acts of Kindness Checklist.
Challenge your child to come up with 10 different acts of kindness!

In addition to our monthly service projects, KindCraft often has other service oriented opportunities that families can participate.